57 Urology Course

From October 16 to 18 of this year 2024, and under the motto, From October 16 to 18 of next year 2024, under the motto Expanding knowledge through dialogue we will promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences with a common goal: to advance in the treatments and care of our specialty, UROLOGY, in the 57th Urology Course Fundació Puigvert.


Technology in our specialty continues to advance and we want to capture the up-to-date events and disseminate the latest medical and technological innovations representative of all the Units that constitute our Urology Department: Uro-Oncology and Renal Transplant, Reconstructive and General Urology, Functional and Female Urology, Uro-Lithiasis and Paediatric Urology. In order to reach our aim, and as usual, we will count on the participation of prominent national and international experts.

Doctor Palou, urologist, Fundació Puigvert.

Video of introduction


El Doctor Palou

El Dr. Palou, Director del Servicio de Urología, uno de los 5 urólogos más reputados de España

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We are pleased 🤖🎊to present the video reflection of our #57UroPuigvert.
Thanks again for those wonderful 3 days.
Hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it.
Catalan →
Spanish → https://t.ly/Apw-y

The importance of a integral approach to these pathologies lies in addressing them holistically, with a long-term perspective.@siupurol
@EauEwpu @ICCS_continence

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